Friday, February 16, 2018

What I take every day

My health and symptoms have improved dramatically from these supplements.
Glyco nutrients (really expensive and has a rice bran filler.
Herban Lyme tea
 D3 from green pastures
 Astralagus (kicks everything out of your lymphatic system and keeps Ticks away). Herban Lyme tea
Lobelia inflata (added to the Lyme tea)
An shen bux Chen “spirit calm”, plum tree is a great source
Mint tea (helps the memor)
Charcoal capsules (detox, no more than a few a week
 Gemaf ($250 a little jar, rub in above the ankle)
Pro 15 (Amazon) Probiotics (yogurt is a prebiotic not a probiotic like kefir) Certain mushroom powders heal the mylin sheeth (it's what parasites and Lyme love eating) Fish collagen (essential and 1.5x better absorption than other collagens
 Light exercises (no weights).
Quit dairy!
Rife helped me too
 I'm not (nor ever was) affiliated with any company.

Friday, February 9, 2018

My research today

I started thinking about rife again. I thought about the biggest problem "limbic system. The limbic system is responsible for very many processes' , mostly emotions and hormone.

I  searched the internet for rife frequencies for the entire limbic system but I only found frequencies for each part of it separately.
I eventually landed on this  page a site with many healing frequencies.